HeathCo. Manufacturing is proud to announce
Enhanced Animals.
Take you pick from our genetically enhanced stock
Mundane: Cow, Chicken, Cat, Pig, Dog…etc
"Black Label" Exotic Animals-Ring-tailed Lemur, Three-Toed Sloth, and American Bald Eagle.
Enhanced Animals:
Flame Retardant- Our patented “Flamestop” Genetic procedure renders the animal resistant to flames up to 400 degrees fahrenheit.
Marsupial Pouch:
We have observed the natural usefulness of the marsupial pouch and have harnessed its power with the new marsupial pouch. If this option is chosen we will graft a vat grown laboratory grade marsupial pouch of your choosing onto the animal.Choose the placement and size with three different convenient pouch sizes.
Fat Package:
We at HeathCo. know how Americans are obsessed with their self-image.. Heathco. is developing genetically engineered obese animals. “Want to make yourself feel better?” Look at you animal and smile because you are thinner than they are.
Designed for longevity with modified cartilage and bone structure, this animal will give you years of feeling “comparatively thinner.”
Convenience Package:
Gain the ultimate in domestic convenience with this package. This implant couples the utility of a cup holder graft with a remote control pocket. The implant is inexpensive and since it is permanently grafted to the animals flesh and bone the convenience is unparalleled.
Due to Government restrictions on human testing we cannot offer these products for human enhancement yet. However with our recent involvement in Super P.A.C funding we may be able to lobby our way into grafting cupholders and remote caddies into a person near you.
Warning: HeathCo. enhanced animals are genetically engineered and must have HeathCo. brand genetric therapy pills 1000mg. daily. Failure to do so has shown a psychotic break in some animals leading to death and dismemberment of animals or animal owners in some cases. If this has happened to you please refer back to your "Death or Destruction by Enhanced Animals Waiver" that was filled out before being allowed to purchase the animal. Thank you for choosing HeathCo. for all of your enhanced animal needs.
Honoring Achievments
I would also like to send a special thanks to the Director of Reproductive Services-Adeline
for achieving the HeathCo. excellence award and as with each reward we will say our excellence creed. So in the words of King Osric of Ophir
What daring! What outrageousness! What insolence! What arrogance!... I salute you."